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Thank you for filling up bellies of our doggies. They are many of them and they are hungry. We appreciate your help a lot and rejoice over every bag of food we get. Thank you. 

To make it easier for you, we created the visual guide below. Hope it helps.


If you would rather donate money for food and and let us buy it please click on the Donate button to be directed to PayPal "for food". If you like to donate in another way, please send email to Ender at and let her know. :) Thank you. 

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Guid How To Buy Food For Dumpster Doggies On Turkish Pet Store Website

(Scroll down for photo guide)

IMPORTANT: Before  you start, call your bank or credit card company to allow purchases in Turkey! 

1 USD = 5.84 Turkish Liras (TRY) 

10 USD = 58.4 TRY

This website has good food and anything you pick is good.


  • Get on the website and allow your browser to translate it.

  • Pick any dog food you like. 

  • When you are asked to agree with something (cookies and shipping type), click on the left agree button. You will see two of the "agree" and "agree" options. Left one means that you want to send food to a person. The right one means you want to send it to a registered charity. (if at the checkout you are asked to pick a charity, this is where things went wrong). 

  • When you are asked to create a profile use login information we created for you. It has Sebhat's address saved in it so you don't have to worry about where to ship the food. ​

  • For shipping choose "aras" second option. 

  • Enter your credit card information (worry not, it won't be saved), check out, and you are done. :) 

Detailed photo instructions are below. :)

Dumpster Doggies - Thank you for feeding our hungry bellies! 



Click on the dog icon for dog food. 


2. Choose food of your choice and quantity you like. Clicking on the cart next to the food quantity puts the product in your cart (right upper corner). 

We suggest Özel Köpek Mamaları (Special Dog Food), because they are a good quality food.(23-25US$ for one bag.) All the prices are in Turkish liras. 1 US$ is equal to 6TL. 


As you continue to scroll down you’ll see Standart Köpek Mamaları (Standard Dog Food) they’re mid range quality. (19-20 US$ for one bag)


At the bottom of the page you’ll see canned soft food. (12 can package is 9US$)


3. When you are done choosing the product, click on the cart in the right upper corner. When the cart page opens and you see your chosen products, click on the "Alisverisi Tamamla" (Complete Your Purchase)


4. At this point it will ask you to login with your email and password. Please write the email; And please write the password; dd12345.

Agree to enter membership when asked, click on Tamam. 

Lutfen, uye girisi yapiniz. (Enter your membership.) 

Tamam. (Ok)


Then enter email and password and click on Giris.


5. Once you logged in, you will see Sebahat's address. Please continue by clicking on Kargo Sec. 


6. Choose "aras" company and continue by clicking on the "Odemeye Gec" (Make the payment) on the bottom.


7.Please choose Kredit Karti (Credit Card). 


8. Enter credit card number, name, expiration date and cvc number.

8 ender.PNG

If  you had gotten a secure message in red, it means that you will probably need to call your bank to approve purchase in Turkey, or their approval might not have passed yet. 


Siparis Ozeti is your Summary Order. Continue by clicking on the "Devem Et" on the bottom. 


9. If the credit card was accepted, you will see confirmation of your order. Yay! You went through all of the steps successfully! Thank you! 


Thank you for taking your time and helping Dumpster Doggies!

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